Your program has really been of value! A total program with incredible knowledge. Thank you Stephanie for all the good care!

Your program has really been of value! A total program with incredible knowledge. Thank you Stephanie for all the good care!
A first-time pregnancy can be overwhelming; the internet is full of information and, as there is a lot that you do not know, it is hard to filter good from bad. Having an experienced physiotherapist by my side during this period was amazing.
Fijne en kundige plek om te sporten tijdens en na mijn zwangerschappen. Hierdoor heb ik mij bij beide zwangerschappen heel fit gevoeld en ook na de bevalling weer snel in vorm. Stephanie weet ook raad als je wat klachten ontwikkel ook. Zeker een aanrader!
Tijdens je zwangerschap en de periode daarna is dit een fijne plek om te sporten. De begeleiding is super zodat je kan sporten tot 40 weken zonder klachten! Zo voelde ik me erg fit en had een snelle herstel daarna. Dankjewel Stephanie!
Mothers in Motion is a great way to have a healthy pregnancy! Doing sports during my pregnancy felt very safe and fun with Stephanie. She know exactly what to do and to train to prevent any pelvic or back problems that come about many times during a pregnancy.
Stephanie & Joost zijn heel kundig professionals in hun vak, gespecialiseerd in sporten tijdens/ en na zwangerschap. Leuke groepslessons, met veel diversiteit; en dankzij de post natale Small Group Training ben ik "up and running" letterlijk en figuurlijk!
I attended "Mothers in Motion" prenatal training and pre partum classes last summer and autumn, and I definitely recommend them! Stephanie, is a physiotherapist specialized in womens-health especially pregnancy and postpartum care. The lessons are great and in English. They are really usefull and rich in information. The sport classes are outside when possible and I never had a dull moment! I definitely recommend Stephanie and all her classes to all pregnant women who want to get a 360' preperation for motherhood!
My delivery was a very fast delivery. I was practicing the wave breathing of Stephanie the whole time and it really helped a lot. Thank you Stephanie for the work you do! I am very happy I have found you. I felt strong and motivated during the whole pregnancy with all of your workouts and the delivery with all of your information and courses.